Toronto A.C.R.A (Air Canada Recreation Association) wishes to advise that after 47 years of representing our membership in a social capacity, such as, the Children's Christmas party, the Gala Dinner Dance, picnics, Blue Jays days, supporting tournaments as well as bringing you outside discounts and AC merchandise there are not enough active employees able to volunteer to continue.
ACRA would like to thank all members who participated, volunteered and donated throughout the years. As well as Air Canada who with their support made it possible for ACRA to operate.
It is with a heavy heart the Board of Directors have decided to close and our hope for the future is that ACRA will be resurrected by new volunteers, to once again, become the Recreation Association many employees enjoy.
Sincerely, the ACRA board of Directors
How Can I Become A Member?
All active employee are eligible to join ACRA. You must complete a Membership Application Form which is available from your local ACRA Office or send an email to yyz.acra.arpt@aircanada.ca, or click on the Sign Up Today button below. Annual dues are $12.00 and is payroll deducted once a year in October. Members joining between October 1st, 2019 to April 30th, 2020, must pay the membership fee in full and in cash at the ACRA office or via company mail YYZ2236. PLEASE NOTE, MEMBERSHIP FEES WERE NOT COLLECTED IN OCTOBER 2020. Membership is renewed automatically each year unless you advise the ACRA Office, in writing or email to cancel your membership.
Spouses and dependent children are automatically considered members by association and do not have to pay additional membership fees. Associate membership fee, such as other
regional carries, associated with Air Canada are determined according to the constitution of Toronto ACRA and must be paid locally. Air Canada retirees may also be members and dues are paid locally, and not payroll deductible.
How Can I Become A Volunteer?
The time and effort that our volunteers give to the planning and organizing of the many ACRA events, programs and activities, for the enjoyment of our employees, can only be possible because of their genuine interest and dedication. It is because of its many devoted volunteers that ACRA came to be, and why it continues to flourish.
ACRA is always on the lookout for people who are keen to give of their time and who want to make a contribution. If you are interested, we encourage you to contact the ACRA Office at 905-676-4300, ext. 1377575, email, or your local ACRA representative.